Live In France (bootleg) | Discography | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
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Live In France (1991)
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Item name Country Format Label Year Disc / Label details
Live In France - Front (987x981)
Live In France - Vinyl side A (960x955)Live In France - Vinyl side B (974x967)
United States 12" n/a 1992 Vinyl: Black / Label: Yellow (A), Pink (B)
Despite its name this bootleg is not from France. The recording is from the Bizarre Festival held at VFB Waldstadion, Gießen, Germany on June 29, 1991.
The misunderstanding probably originates from Graffin saying "It's great to be here in Gießen. We've always wanted to come to France".
Bootleg! - 20 tracks - Paper sleeve with insert
Live In France - Front (2592x1944)
Live In France - Vinyl (2592x1944)Live In France - Vinyl (2592x1944)
United States 12" n/a 1992 Vinyl: Black / Label: Green and Yellow
Despite its name this bootleg is not from France. The recording is from the Bizarre Festival held at VFB Waldstadion, Gießen, Germany on June 29, 1991.
The misunderstanding probably originates from Graffin saying "It's great to be here in Gießen. We've always wanted to come to France".
Bootleg! - 20 tracks - Paper sleeve
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