Covering the Hits 1983 1984 (bootleg) | Discography | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
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Covering the Hits 1983 1984 (2013)
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Item name Country Format Label Year Disc / Label details
Covering the Hits 1983 1984 - Front (1002x1000)
Covering the Hits 1983 1984 - Vinyl side 1 (999x1000)
United States 7" n/a 2013 Vinyl: Gray / Label: Black
A "very limited edition" Southern California Record Store Day pressing of the "Rock and Roll / Old covers" 7" bootleg. The story goes that these tapes were found in a garage in 2012 and the finder decided to press them for Record Store Day release in a micro run of 195.
Bootleg! - 4 tracks - Colored vinyl - Limited 195 - Paper and plastic sleeve
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