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Adam's Atoms
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Written by: Greg Graffin
Released in: 2008
BPM: 125
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Some live, some die,
Everybody wonders why we're here:
Should we even try?
Philosophers lost in the night.

A beacon in the distance,
You gotta turn around.
Its vestige dimly flickers in elocution sound
The modernist's chronometer uptight and underwhelmed,
Pretensions of a higher ground.

Higher ground...
Introspective paradise found.
Adam's atoms resound.

Economy of nature,
The dead and shallow graves,
The particles of happiness elude us in remains.
A psychosymbiotical reflection on the waves,
Eternal as the night and day.

Night and day...
Omnipresent sealers of fate,
Adam's atoms remain.

The righteous opposition has led us all astray,
One side against the other, one loses, one reclaimed
And if reconciliation eludes us everyday,
Then will we ever find a way?

Find a way...
Not with a religionists gaze.
Adam's atoms remain.

Adam's atoms betray.
Adam's atoms remain.

Version Length Release Catalog ID Country Format Year
2:37 New Maps of Hell 86914-2 United States CD 2008
2:37 New Maps of Hell 86914-2 Europe CD 2008
New Maps of Hell n/a United States CD 2008
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I'm with him
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08/22/2010 at 09:30
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