Billy Gnosis (from Into The Unknown) | Discography | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
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Billy Gnosis
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Written by: Brett Gurewitz
Released in: 1983
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A crack developed and a name blew in,
Billy Gnosis, weak and thin.
He moved to California to start a new life,
Because back in his hometown he just killed his wife.

He started drinking every back then,
He started eating things that made his head spin,
And his brain became a battery,
From making chemicals that shouldn't be.

Oh, Billy couldn't remember his name,
Billy Gnosis was going insane.
And soaked in blue light he played and played,
I can still hear the sound he made...

Billy burned his phone and blew up his car,
He sat and watched TV and played the guitar
And read a book that made his head dim;
How could he have known that there were worms within?

And the worms ate into his brain,
Through his eyes and through his ears they came.
They made a home so they could multiply
And feed on Billy's chemicals in paradise.

Oh, Billy couldn't remember his name,
Our lonesome hero was going insane.
And soaked in blue light he played and played,
I can still hear the sound he made...

Version Length Release Catalog ID Country Format Year
Album version
3:31 Into The Unknown United States 12" 2018
3:31 Into The Unknown 87120-1 // EPI-BRLP2 United States 12" 2010
3:31 Into The Unknown EPI-BRLP 02 United States 12" 1983
3:31 Into The Unknown EPI-BRLP2 United States 12" 1983
Not specified
3:30 Into The Unknown N/A United States 8-Track 2018
3:30 Into The Unknown n/a United States CD 2004
Into The Unknown epi-bripcd1 | EPI-BRCD United States CD 2004
3:30 Into The Unknown United States CD 1994
3:30 Into The Unknown BT 012 Germany 12" 1992
3:30 Into The Unknown DDR-CD-001 France CD 1992
Into The Unknown BT 012 Germany CD 1992
Info from 'The Answer'
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Song interpretations (3)

Location: Global Citizen
09/17/2005 at 07:40

Location: Global Citizen
07/05/2005 at 11:01
Je moeder/Artus

Location: Global Citizen
07/11/2004 at 11:24
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