Boot Stamping On A Human Face Forever (from The Empire Strikes First) | Discography | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
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Boot Stamping On A Human Face Forever
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Written by: Brett Gurewitz
Released in: 2004
BPM: 144
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Drop dead, it doesn’t matter, she said,
It only hurts when I laugh, she said.
Sometimes, it’s never a crime
To spend the day in bed.
She made certain that the curtains were red,
To dream better by the light they would shed.
She leaned back, tilted her head
And this is what she said.

You can’t win! Think it over again,
I can’t win! Look at the trouble I’m in,
We can’t win! And we’re stuck here together,
Yeah, I hope it will last forever.

Don’t ever dare to hope, he said,
So I’ll never let down too bad.
I know there’s nowhere to go
So I’ll just stay here instead.
He knew better than to pull on a thread,
They unravel like the thoughts in his head.
He looked out, it filled him with dread
And this is what he said.

You can’t win! Think it over again,
I can’t win! Look at the trouble I’m in,
We can’t win! And we’re stuck here together,
Yeah, I hope it will last forever.

With good books and looks on their side
And hearts bursting with national pride,
They sang songs that went along for the ride
And the other side complied.
They said, "Hey, man, where do you reside?"
And "Could it be Mother Superior lied?"
And "Is it possible too many have died?"
It’s only natural to reply.

You can’t win! Think it over again,
I can’t win! Look at the trouble I’m in,
We can’t win! And we’re stuck here together,
Yeah, I hope it will last forever.

* "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face...FOREVER!"
- George Orwell

Version Length Release Catalog ID Country Format Year
Album version
3:49 The Empire Strikes First United States 12" 2022
3:49 The Empire Strikes First Europe 12" 2019
3:49 The Empire Strikes First 6694-1 Europe 12" 2019
3:49 The Empire Strikes First 86694-1 United States 12" 2019
3:49 The Empire Strikes First 86694-1CRS (CLEAR/RED) United States 12" 2015
3:49 The Empire Strikes First United States CD 2014
3:49 The Empire Strikes First 86694-1 United States 12" 2010
3:49 The Empire Strikes First Brazil CD 2009
3:49 The Empire Strikes First Russia CD 2007
3:49 The Empire Strikes First 86694-1 United States 12" 2004
3:49 The Empire Strikes First Europe 12" 2004
3:49 The Empire Strikes First 86694-2 United States CD 2004
3:49 The Empire Strikes First Japan CD 2004
3:49 The Empire Strikes First 6726-2 Europe CD 2004
3:49 The Empire Strikes First 6694-2 Europe CD 2004
3:49 The Empire Strikes First Brazil CD 2004
3:49 The Empire Strikes First Russia MC 2004
3:49 The Empire Strikes First United States CD 2004
3:49 The Empire Strikes First n/a United States CD 2004
3:49 The Empire Strikes First EDCI 80130 Japan CD 2004
3:49 The Empire Strikes First Europe CD 2004
3:49 The Empire Strikes First United States CD 2004
3:49 The Empire Strikes First 2908-2 Argentina CD 2004
3:49 The Empire Strikes First Colombia CD 2004
3:49 The Empire Strikes First Australia CD 2004
3:49 The Empire Strikes First Brazil CD 2004
3:49 The Empire Strikes First Russia CD 2004
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Song interpretations (11)

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04/23/2005 at 02:09
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02/11/2005 at 05:46
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12/30/2004 at 20:54

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11/13/2004 at 12:32
alex Urban

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