Queen Of The 21st Century (from The New America) | Discography | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
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Queen Of The 21st Century
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Written by: Greg Graffin
Released in: 2000
BPM: 161
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From the time she could crawl
She was all draped in macrame.
She was preened and redeemed
In a church that tried to show the way.
She was taught to never ask for more,
They had no idea of what she had in store.

She's the queen of the 21st century,
Just a ghost of what her parents thought a little girl should be:
Analog heart, analog nerves, analog brain,
But a fixture of the digital domain.

From the time she could read
She could see that there was urgency,
No debate, just a spate of ignorance
In a splintering community.
She could never meet their expectations,
Then she came to symbolize the nation.

She's the queen of the 21st century,
Just a shred of what her parents thought a little girl should be:
Steeped in spite, coddled in fear, drenched in novelty,
But masterful at sensual technology.

She's the queen, no rules in her empire.
She's the queen, just libido and desire.
She's the lean, mean, fighting machine,
The stuff of modern media lore
And she always knows the score.

She's the queen of the 21st century,
Just a ghost of what her parents thought a little girl should be:
Fallen star, black and blue,
Broken hearts, wasted youth,
Rusted cars, twisted roots,
Mental scars, the ugly truth.

She's the queen of the 21st century
And she's a modern-day polemic,
A walking controversy.

She's the queen!

Version Length Release Catalog ID Country Format Year
Album version
4:17 The New America 6998-2 Europe CD 2008
4:17 The New America QDCA 93300 Japan CD 2000
4:17 The New America n/a Thailand MC 2000
4:17 The New America Europe CD 2000
4:17 The New America ESCA 8152 Japan CD 2000
4:17 The New America ESCA 8152 Japan CD 2000
4:17 The New America Ukraine CD 2000
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Song interpretations (3)

Location: Global Citizen
07/10/2006 at 02:04

Location: Global Citizen
03/09/2006 at 19:43

Location: Global Citizen
12/17/2005 at 01:48
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