The Profane Rights of Man (from The Profane Rights of Man) | Discography | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
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The Profane Rights of Man
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Written by: Greg Graffin
Released in: 2018
BPM: 149
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Hostility to every living creature, like anti-intellectual demands
"Inalienable" is not some moving feature, it's foundational bedrock of the land

So it's criminal, antithetical, inimical, to enlightened plan
If you seek to make divisible the principle of the profane rights of man

...And so returns the bourgeoise, the bastard child of democracy
It morphs into aristocracy and demands advantage it must not receive

But if the citizen will not stay its hand, the myth becomes a menace on the land
And it's criminal, antithetical, inimical

Intelligence and knowledge are an ordnance, a constant check on privilege and wealth
Nurture and provisioning their furtherance, a fundament of democratic health

So it's criminal, antithetical, inimical, to enlightened plan
If you seek to make divisible the principle of the profane rights of man

Version Length Release Catalog ID Country Format Year
Album version
2:06 Age of Unreason United States CD 2019
2:06 Age of Unreason 7636-2 Europe CD 2019
Not specified
Deaner Skate Rock DLH003 United Kingdom 12" 2019
Deaner Skate Rock United Kingdom 12" 2019
2.06 The Profane Rights of Man United States 7" 2019
2:06 The Profane Rights of Man 87636-7 United States DL 2018
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Song interpretations (4)
Lost Pilgrim
Lost Pilgrim

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