The Universal Cynic (from Punk Rock Song) | Discography | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
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The Universal Cynic
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Written by: Greg Graffin
Released in: 1996
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Catch a shooting star and put it in your pocket
Then your pants will start on fire
One bird in the hand, or two birds in the bush
Neither do you any good, when you're stuck in the quagmire

Show everyone you're not sure that they're telling the truth
Then you can be known as the universal cynic too

Benefit your fellow man with good deeds for the day
And you'll serve your life away
Pennies saved today are pennies still tomorrow
Strewn upon the desk, piled up in the paper weight

Show everyone you're not sure that they're telling the truth
Then you'll be known as the universal cynic too

Wipe your opaque eyes and restore your crystal vision
Turn another cheek and exalt in your decision
A bit of exercise for the universal cynic in you

Early to bed, and early to rise
Precludes you from seeing the most brilliant starry nights
Sticks and stones can break bones, words can't really hurt
Unless you carry guns, and are hungry for a fight

Challenging the standards, or questioning the established rules
Trying to understand how they can benefit you
Showing everyone you're not sure that they're telling the truth
Just a bit of exercise for the universal cynic in you;
The universal cynic in you

Version Length Release Catalog ID Country Format Year
Album Version (bonus track)
The Gray Race Japan CD 1996
Not specified
2:16 Punk Rock Songs (The Epic Years) n/a Malaysia MC 2009
2:16 Punk Rock Songs (The Epic Years) Japan CD 2002
2:16 Punk Rock Songs (The Epic Years) Germany CD 2002
2:16 Punk Rock Songs (The Epic Years) EPC507628 2 Germany CD 2002
2:16 Punk Rock Songs (The Epic Years) Turkey MC 2002
2:16 Punk Rock Songs (The Epic Years) South Korea CD 2002
2:16 Punk Rock Songs (The Epic Years) EICP-96 Japan CD 2002
2:16 Punk Rock Songs (The Epic Years) EDCI 80030 Japan CD 2002
2:16 Punk Rock Songs (The Epic Years) 2-507628 Brazil CD 2002
2:16 Punk Rock Songs (The Epic Years) SAMP11213 Germany CD 2002
2:16 Punk Rock Songs (The Epic Years) Russia CD 2002
2:18 No Substance PRCD 8531B United States CD 1998
2:18 No Substance United States CD 1998
2:15 Punk Rock Song DRA 662867 6 Germany 12" 1996
2:15 Punk Rock Song 7-87079 United States 7" 1996
2:15 Punk Rock Song 7-87079 United States 7" 1996
2:15 Punk Rock Song DRA 662867 2 Germany CD 1996
2:15 Punk Rock Song MATTCD026 Australia CD 1996
2:15 Punk Rock Song DRA 662867 2 Israel CD 1996
Info from 'The Answer'
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