What Are We Standing For (from What Are We Standing For) | Discography | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
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What Are We Standing For
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Written by: Greg Graffin
Released in: 2020
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An adventure in secular morality
Shouldn't be an insurrection to us all
And a counterfeit political currency
Shouldn't stand there as a patriotic call

All the vitriol and hyperbole
Testifies to vacant humanity
And the rebel that is pounding at the door
Don't know what they're standing for anymore

Find some understanding for
Those who kneel to implore
Know just what they're standing for

What's the lasting legacy
Of the humanistic progress that we made
Or the blood that spilled for someone else's
Profit but would never be repaid
There's the useless hope of the afterlife
But it can't assuage all the toil and strife
And the pious who were promised so much more
Don't know what they're standing for anymore

Show some understanding for
Those who can't hope for more
Know just what they're standing for, oh, oh, oh
Find some understanding for
Those who kneel to implore
Know just what they're standing for

There's a sound in the attic
Of memories erratic
A firm resolution
For an eternal constitution
The bravery of self-defense
Against the pull of ignorance
I shudder to adore
Those who don't know what they're standing for

Find some understanding for
Those who can't hope for more
Know just what they're standing for, oh oh oh
Be someone who's standing for
Take a knee on the floor
Know just what you're standing for

Version Length Release Catalog ID Country Format Year
2.53 What Are We Standing For United States DL 2020
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