Who We Are (from Punk-O-Rama 8) | Discography | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
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Who We Are
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Written by: Brett Gurewitz
Released in: 2003
BPM: 174
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It's cold again, it looks like rain.
A procession of humanity, strikingly simian,
Saunters by, I can't explain
Why it's troubling to see them so.

Better than who we are with mania
And yearning for and learning from,
Better than holiness and candy aisles
Of loneliness and sweet revenge.

A cigarette, a memory,
All connections to the permanent are burning.
The pedestal gets in the way
And cannot withstand our honest scrutiny.

Better than who we are with mania
Or standing for or dead against,
Better than holiness and candy aisles
Of loneliness and sweet revenge.

Do you feel the chill of December
In the rioting of Spring?
And are we made of something better than clay?
A leap, a fight, a secret rite,
The lonely quest for meaning and the universe is dreaming.

Better than who we are with mania
And yearning for and learning from,
Better than holiness and candy aisles
Of loneliness and sweet revenge.
Oh, sweet revenge...

Version Length Release Catalog ID Country Format Year
Album version
3:01 Punk-O-Rama 8 86673-2 United States CD 2003
3:01 Punk-O-Rama 8 66673-2 Europe CD 2003
3:01 Punk-O-Rama 8 2663-8 Brazil CD 2003
Info from 'The Answer'
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Song interpretations (2)
Hippy Killer
Hippy Killer

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02/01/2020 at 17:26

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04/24/2009 at 12:32
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