Pretenders (from New America) | Discography | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
Quote of the day: "In a quantity of light, you can search for all of your life, but it's finite. From a sudden burst of sound, the recoil may never be found, but it is finite (finite but incalculable)." - Finite
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Written by: Greg Graffin
Released in: 2000
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I give to you, you take from me
We live in perfect harmony
But I know you can't give me what I need
With subtle care and rosey hues
We duke it out, we change our views
We hold so dear our unanimity


We are just pretenders
We are just pretenders, lost in this charade
We are just pretenders, characters on stage
We are just pretenders, trying to break free
We are just pretenders, hiding so no one sees

We try to find our peace of mind
Just a vestige we left behind
But ignorance takes far less energy
And if you please, I'll look to you
Because I need somebody who
Forgives me for my harsh reality


We are just pretenders
We are just pretenders, we're trying to break free
We are just pretenders, we'll lose them easily
We are just pretenders, trying to break free
We are just pretenders, hiding so no one sees

You standing there
Playing with your hair
Trying to ignore
But peeking in the mirror
Reliving the scenes
From books and magazines
Craving the life
You live in your dreams
And I'm standing here
Thinking that it's queer
But fearing that I am the same

You ask me how I feel
It's so damn surreal
I think it's finally time we ended this game
'Cause we are just pretenders
We are just pretenders, lost in this charade
We are just pretenders...

Version Length Release Catalog ID Country Format Year
Album version
4:12 New America DRA 669193 2 Germany CD 2000
4:12 New America DRA 669193 5 Germany CD 2000
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Song interpretations (6)
Universal Cynic
Universal Cynic
Bass boss but still a n00b
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05/12/2009 at 18:23

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11/04/2005 at 23:11

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02/19/2005 at 00:46

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10/20/2004 at 07:54
Rody, Sage Of The BR Page

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08/17/2004 at 19:24

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07/17/2004 at 12:43
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