Whisper In Time (from The New America) | Discography | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
Quote of the day: "Hey kids on the right and left do you feel dispossessed. If you're on the left or right I feel your pain tonight." - Do The Paranoid Style
Whisper In Time
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Written by: Greg Graffin
Released in: 2000
BPM: 131
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All those stories that my dad told me,
They are just a whisper in time.
All those things that never came to be,
They are just a whisper in time.

A whisper in time, a whisper in time,
Things that I can't shake from my mind.
A whisper in time, a whisper in time,
Moments that just flicker and die.

All those places I wanted to go,
They are just a whisper in time.
All those friends who now I do not know,
They are just a whisper in time.

A whisper in time, a whisper in time,
Moments that I can't shake from my mind.
A whisper in time, a whisper in time,
Memories that flicker and die.

Maps and roads that brought me here today,
They are just a whisper in time.
Circumstances that were explained away,
They are just a whisper in time.

A whisper in time, a whisper in time,
Things that I can't shake from my mind.
A whisper in time, a whisper in time,
Moments that just flicker and die.

'Cuz we are messengers of memory
Just whispers in time.

Version Length Release Catalog ID Country Format Year
Album version
2:32 The New America United States 12" 2022
2:32 The New America Russia MC 2019
2:32 The New America United States 12" 2018
2:32 The New America Europe 12" 2018
2:32 The New America United States 12" 2018
2:32 The New America Europe 12" 2013
2:32 The New America 6998-1 Europe 12" 2013
2:32 The New America Europe 12" 2013
2:32 The New America 6998-1 United States 12" 2010
2:32 The New America 6998-2 Europe CD 2008
2:32 The New America Europe MC 2000
2:32 The New America United States MC 2000
2:32 The New America Poland MC 2000
2:32 The New America Canada CD 2000
2:32 The New America QDCA 93300 Japan CD 2000
2:32 The New America 83303-4 United States MC 2000
2:32 The New America n/a Thailand MC 2000
2:32 The New America Turkey MC 2000
2:32 The New America Germany 12" 2000
2:32 The New America 83303-1 United States 12" 2000
2:32 The New America 83303-2 United States CD 2000
2:32 The New America No catalog ID United States CD 2000
2:32 The New America A2 83303 United States CD 2000
2:32 The New America Europe CD 2000
2:32 The New America DRA 498124 2 Germany CD 2000
2:32 The New America ESCA 8152 Japan CD 2000
2:32 The New America ESCA 8152 Japan CD 2000
2:32 The New America DRA 498124 5 Europe CD 2000
2:32 The New America Australia CD 2000
2:32 The New America DRA 498124 2 Europe CD 2000
2:32 The New America 83303-2 United States CD 2000
2:32 The New America Germany CD 2000
2:32 The New America DRA 498124 7 | 498124 7000 Germany CD 2000
2:32 The New America n/a Bulgaria MC 2000
2:32 The New America Brazil CD 2000
2:32 The New America 2A-83303 United States CD 2000
2:32 The New America n/a United States CD 2000
2:32 The New America 2-498124 Argentina CD 2000
2:32 The New America ZK07115 Russia CD 2000
2:32 The New America Canada CD 2000
2:32 The New America Europe CD 2000
2:32 The New America United States CD 2000
2:32 The New America Ukraine CD 2000
2:32 The New America Russia CD 2000
2:32 The New America n/a United States CD 2000
2:32 The New America PRCDA2-83303 United States CD 2000
2:32 The New America 83303-2 United States CD 2000
Not specified
4 Tracks Taken From Promise Land Germany CD 2000
2:32 I Love My Computer SAMPCS 9047 Germany CD 2000
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Song interpretations (4)

Location: Global Citizen
12/09/2004 at 02:47
Hampster Wheel

Location: Global Citizen
07/17/2004 at 11:59
Amish Rake Figher

Location: Global Citizen
07/17/2004 at 11:59

Location: Global Citizen
07/17/2004 at 11:59
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