Cinema Beer Belly (video) | Discography | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
Quote of the day: "We all care for you, we know how you suffer but I know you can succeed I used to have it so much rougher." - Drunk Sincerity
Cinema Beer Belly
Bad Religion
1 track
Cinema Beer Belly - VHS - 1999
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Label: Hopeless Records Release date: 3/16/1999
Country: United States Disc / Label details:
Format VHS
Misc: 1 track - Compilation - Cardboard sleeve
No identifiers found. This could mean that this release has no barcode, no catalog ID, and no runout details.
  • Cinema Beer Belly - Front (283x500)
    By: Jesse
  • Tracklist
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    Song title Song writer(s) Version Length Interpretations
    1 Greg Graffin Video clip 8
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