Suffer (album) | Discography | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
Quote of the day: "In a quantity of light, you can search for all of your life, but it's finite. From a sudden burst of sound, the recoil may never be found, but it is finite (finite but incalculable)." - Finite
Bad Religion
15 tracks
Suffer - CD - 2004
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Label: Epitaph Records Release date: 4/6/2004
Country: United States Disc / Label details:
Format CD
Misc: 15 tracks - Remaster - Jewel case
Catalog ID: 86701-2
Barcode: 0 45778-67012 3
Matrix / Runout: 54227AM-01 86701 -2 081307-(02)
  • Suffer - Front (1020x1000)
    By: the torso
  • Suffer - CD (989x1000)
    By: the torso
  • Suffer - Back (1295x1000)
    By: the torso
  • Suffer - Inlay (inside) (1309x1000)
    Inlay (inside)
    By: the torso
  • Tracklist
    Click the song titles for more information, lyrics and interpretations
    Song title Song writer(s) Version Length Interpretations
    1 Greg Graffin Remastered 1:22 11
    2 Brett Gurewitz Remastered 1:35 7
    3 Brett Gurewitz Remastered 1:23 4
    4 Greg Graffin Remastered 1:40 3
    5 Greg Graffin, Brett Gurewitz Remastered 2:02 6
    6 Greg Graffin Remastered 2:05 4
    7 Greg Graffin, Brett Gurewitz Remastered 1:53 14
    8 Greg Graffin Remastered 1:57 1
    9 Greg Graffin, Brett Gurewitz Remastered 1:45 8
    10 Brett Gurewitz Remastered 1:39 5
    11 Brett Gurewitz Remastered 1:38 5
    12 Greg Graffin Remastered 2:44 5
    13 Brett Gurewitz Remastered 1:05 7
    14 Greg Graffin Remastered 2:02 6
    15 Greg Graffin Remastered 1:07 3
    Info from 'The Answer'
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