All items in French | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
Quote of the day: "There's a feeling about myself that I can't understand. It's a foreboding sense that I see all around the land." - Crisis Time
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Items (3)
Item name Category Publish date Language Format
American Graffitti - Cover (1005x1400)
Interview | Magazine 1/1/2000 French PDF/JPEG
No synopsis available
Source: Rock Sound #81 (2000) (France)
With: Greg Graffin
M6 Rock Express interview - Screenshot (317x238)
Interview | Television 8/3/1996 French Video
Interview with Jay Bentley, Brian Baker and Greg Hetson. They talk about The Gray Race, Epitaph and Sony.
Source: M6 Rock Express (France)
With: Brian Baker, Greg Hetson, Jay Bentley
Interview | Magazine 3/1/1996 French PDF/JPEG
Greg Graffin talks about Brett's departure, the US punk-rock revival, signing a major label, and being angry.
Source: Best #3 (March 1996) (France)
With: Greg Graffin
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