All items in Italian | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
Quote of the day: "They say when a mistake is made, a lesson has been learned. But this time, there's no second chance, the hate engulfs the world." - Part III
All items in Italian
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Items (26)
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Punk, i devoti i San Fernando - Page 1 (904x1400)
Interview | Magazine 7/3/2010 Italian PDF/JPEG
Interview with Jay Bentley about the early years of the band, the DIY-attitude, writing songs and the future of the band.
Source: Alias #27 (July 3, 2010) (Italy)
With: Jay Bentley
Epica hardcore - No image (904x1400)
Article | Internet 7/6/2008 Italian
Italian article about the history and discography of Bad Religion.
Source: Ondarock (Juyl 6, 2008) (Italy)
Radio Fragola - No image (904x1400)
Interview | Radio 6/13/2008 Italian
No synopsis available
Source: Radio Fragola
With: Brooks Wackerman
Democristian punk - Cover (843x1099)
Interview | Magazine 7/1/2004 Italian PDF/JPEG
No synopsis available
Source: Tutto Musica #8 (July-August 2004) (Italy)
With: Brett Gurewitz, Greg Graffin
Venti di guerra - Cover (820x1114)
Interview | Magazine 7/1/2004 Italian PDF/JPEG
No synopsis available
Source: Rock Sound #74 (July 2004) (Italy)
With: Greg Graffin
Bad Religion presentano
Interview | Internet 6/9/2004 Italian
Brett Gurewitz talks about the political climate, The Empire Strikes First and his favorite (mainstream) bands.
Source: Rockol (June 9, 2004) (Italy)
With: Brett Gurewitz
Bad Religion, il "messaggio" colpisce ancora! - No image (820x1114)
Interview | Internet 6/4/2004 Italian
Greg Graffin talks about The Empire Strikes First, his own musical preferences, and about the future of the band.
Source: Yahoo! Music (June 4, 2004) (Italy)
With: Greg Graffin
Cronache dall
Interview | Magazine 6/1/2004 Italian PDF/JPEG
No synopsis available
Source: Jam #105, Vol. XI (June 2004) (Italy)
With: Greg Graffin
Rage Against the Religion - Cover (850x1115)
Interview | Magazine 6/1/2004 Italian PDF/JPEG
Short interview with Greg Graffin and Brett Gurewitz. Also contains a review of The Empire Strikes First.
Source: Rumore #149 (June 2004) (Italy)
With: Brett Gurewitz, Greg Graffin
Punkadeka (October 6, 2002) - No image (850x1115)
Interview | Internet 10/6/2002 Italian
A short interview with Greg Hetson, Greg Graffin and Brian Baker. They talk about playing with Brett again, girls in punk rock bands, split records, nu metal and Ozzfest.
Source: Punkadeka (October 6, 2002) (Italy)
With: Brian Baker, Greg Graffin, Greg Hetson
Punkadeka (October 6, 2002) - No image (850x1115)
Interview | Internet 10/6/2002 Italian
Interview with Jay Bentley. Jay explains the title of The Process of Belief and talks about the band's ideas, punk music in general and signing to Epitaph.
Source: Punkadeka (October 6, 2002) (Italy)
With: Jay Bentley
Sound Test...Bad Religion alla prova! - No image (850x1115)
Interview | Internet 5/7/2002 Italian
Greg Hetson takes part in a sound test and has to guess the artists. Greg Graffin, Jay Bentley and Brian Baker also comment on the songs and artists.
Source: Punkadeka (May 7, 2002) (Italy)
With: Brian Baker, Greg Graffin, Greg Hetson, Jay Bentley
...Fuck The Power! - No image (850x1115)
Interview | Magazine 2/26/2002 Italian
Jay Bentley talks about the Process of Belief, the band's message and being a father.
Source: Kronic (February 26, 2002) (Italy)
With: Jay Bentley
The Process of Relief - Cover (322x400)
Interview | Magazine 2/1/2002 Italian PDF/JPEG
No synopsis available
Source: Rockerilla #258 (February 2002) (Italy)
With: Brett Gurewitz
Bad Religion: Il Mito Hardcore - Cover (832x1100)
Interview | Magazine 1/29/2002 English
No synopsis available
Source: Il Mucchio Selvaggio #471 (January 29 - February 4, 1996) (Italy)
With: Brett Gurewitz
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