It's Only Over When... (from ) | Discography | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
Quote of the day: "It'll sweep you away, so enjoy it today, tomorrow you'll be old thus useless" - American Dream
It's Only Over When...
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Written by: Greg Graffin
Released in: 1983
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You never know that feeling till you try,
That healing feeling can turn you all about.
And you can see the second wave of life,
That loser's triangle sets you down and out.

Don't misread,
Don't mislead,
You could be your only friend.

But when the hammer comes down
And you don't hear a sound,
You can look all around and see...
That it's only over when you give up!


Version Length Release Catalog ID Country Format Year
Album version
3:41 Into The Unknown United States 12" 2018
3:41 Into The Unknown 87120-1 // EPI-BRLP2 United States 12" 2010
3:41 Into The Unknown EPI-BRLP 02 United States 12" 1983
3:41 Into The Unknown EPI-BRLP2 United States 12" 1983
Not specified
3:33 Into The Unknown N/A United States 8-Track 2018
3:33 Into The Unknown n/a United States CD 2004
Into The Unknown epi-bripcd1 | EPI-BRCD United States CD 2004
3:33 Into The Unknown United States CD 1994
3:33 Into The Unknown BT 012 Germany 12" 1992
3:33 Into The Unknown DDR-CD-001 France CD 1992
Into The Unknown BT 012 Germany CD 1992
Info from 'The Answer'
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