Suffer Live (bootleg) | Discography | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
Quote of the day: "If you came to conquer you'll be king for a day, but you too will deteriorate and quickly fade away." - No Control
Suffer Live
Bad Religion
28 tracks
Suffer Live - CD - 1991
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Label: Pickwick Music Release date: 1/1/1991
Country: United States Disc / Label details:
Format CD
Misc: Bootleg! - 28 tracks - Jewel case
No identifiers found. This could mean that this release has no barcode, no catalog ID, and no runout details.
  • Suffer Live - CD (1945x1890)
    By: chitopunk
  • Tracklist
    Click the song titles for more information, lyrics and interpretations
    Song title Song writer(s) Version Length Interpretations
    1 0:35 0
    2 Greg Graffin, Brett Gurewitz 1:50 8
    3 Greg Graffin 2:15 4
    4 Brett Gurewitz 1:49 7
    5 Brett Gurewitz 3:10 2
    6 Greg Graffin 1:59 5
    7 Greg Graffin 0:56 2
    8 Brett Gurewitz 2:06 5
    9 Brett Gurewitz 1:29 4
    10 Greg Graffin 1:37 6
    11 Brett Gurewitz 1:08 7
    12 Greg Graffin 1:52 5
    13 4;34 0
    14 Brett Gurewitz 2:47 1
    15 Brett Gurewitz 1:47 5
    16 Greg Graffin 1:34 11
    17 Greg Graffin 2:40 2
    18 Greg Graffin, Brett Gurewitz 2:14 14
    19 Jay Bentley 3:02 3
    20 Greg Graffin, Greg Hetson 1:10 6
    21 Greg Graffin 1:49 3
    22 Greg Graffin 3:09 14
    23 Greg Graffin, Brett Gurewitz 2:07 6
    24 Greg Graffin 1:14 3
    25 Greg Graffin 2:11 1
    26 Brett Gurewitz 1:36 1
    27 Greg Graffin 1:24 2
    28 Greg Graffin 0:57 2
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